
Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Training Raining

It's raining season but a training season also for me. I had 'cats and dogs' of training whole of this month. The next month prediction has also come, and it is likely to continue next month also at least for 2 weeks. I am again feeling like a college boy, but not able to bunk the class unfortunately.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

New Company - New Atmosphere

As I had told in my earlier posts, I joined CISCO on June 7, 2006.


As I told, It was most on the day of my brother's marriage, I spent 4 days on painkillers. I got my checkup done and got to know that there are two stones one in kidney and other in urator tube, both of size 7 mm. The latter was painful and need operation. It was a laser operation and it was done on the next day of reception.

Though it was a small operation, but I was a bit feard, as it was my first operation. There was small bleeding but everything was fine in 24 hours. I got my checkup done again after 3 days of my operation. I left for Bangalore on 6 morning.

A busy fortnight

I had a very busy fortnight this time. I went to my hometown. My brother's marriage was on May 28 so had to do rrangements and shopping for the same. The barat went to Varanasi by Marudhar Express on 27. The weather was really hot. We reached there in noon.

2-3 hours before the BARAT nikasi I had acute stone pain and was taken to emmergency ward of the nearest hospital. They gave me two injections and after that everything was fine.

I danced a lot with all the relatives and friends. The next day we left for jaipur. The marriage happened peacefully and with all the religious customs. On June 1, we had reception at Jaipur.

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