Karan Johar Ko Alwida jaroor kahna

Story Plot:
Nothing new. Taken from daily soaps only. 5 sharacters and 2 couples among them. A-C and B-D. There is one more character E which is like a dangling pointer for chandigharahs. Now don’t ask me what is chandigarah..... A loves C and B loves D. but C doesn’ love A nor D loves B. Now C and D are confused characters. They don’ know for what to quarrel about or complain about, but they still want to complain (really irritating to see those baseless tussels).
Now our Karan Jiohar thought to put some weight in the story and decided to make it large . But not in terms of quality or screenplay but in terms of duration ... lol. For putting more weight he took SRK (here R stands for redundent), Rani Madam (a really irritating character in the movie who is not satisfied and happy for some unknown reasons), Abhishek (comparatively better acting than redundent khan) and pretty zinta (she is looking old in a few scenes but still pretty). He didn’ stop there he even brough john abraham and kajol in his soap-saga (oops mega) movie. But mr johar, is that enough to make a movie big??? The movie also takes few so called twists, which doesn’ make it interesting. At no point in time the viewer is with the movie, it’s unable to keep pace.
Well, i didn’ expect anything logical from mr johar but this time he fails even at emotions. What kind of love it was being shown on the big screen. Just putting few good dialogues doens’ help much until you have some screenplay or back it up.
Music is good again by shankar-ahsaan-loy.
Go for this movie if:
a. You don’t cable connection at home and can not watch Ms Kapoor’s Kserials (sorry serials).
b. If you want to see the biggest bollywood stars together irrespective of what the are doing out there.
c. It bad (hot/too rainy) climate in your city and you want to spend 4 hrs in AC hall.
d. You want to watch the songs (good part of the movie) and ready to pay for that itself.
e. Your GF/Wife is hardcore fan of shah redundant khan and u really cann’t escape.
But if you don’t have any of these reasons than just freak out and listen sons on MP3.